
According to the breed standard of the Fédération Cynologique Internationale, the Cane Corso descends from the molossoid dogs of Ancient Rome; it was once distributed throughout much of the Italian peninsula, but in the recent past was found only in Puglia, in southern Italy.[1][3] After the collapse of the mezzadria system of share-cropping in the 1960s, the dogs became rare. The modern breed derives from selective breeding from about 1980 of a few surviving animals.[4] A breed society, the Società Amatori Cane Corso, was formed in 1983.[5]:107[6] The breed was recognised by the Ente Nazionale della Cinofilia Italiana in 1994;[4] it was provisionally accepted by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale in 1996, and received full acceptance in 2007.[7] It was recognised by the American Kennel Club of the United States in 2010.[8]



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Video 3 prizes x 70 billion CORS

We are giving 3 prizes of 70 billion CORS ( CORS )
to 3 out of the first 200 people that buy ( about $4 at the time of posting this video ) and send us an email at promocors2021@gmail.com

The email will contain the text :

” I own CORS” and your wallet number ( it should start with 0x )

We will chose 3 random winners and go check their wallets. For example this is our main wallet

If we find that you have at least 2 billion CORS in your account you will receive one of the 3 transfers of 70 billion CORS. You can chose to keep those or sell them immediately.

There is no time frame for the promotion. It starts with the first email and it ends when we have 200 emails.

Please make sure you subscribe to CORSO COIN to find out if the campaign is over and also to our Facebook
Good Luck to you all.

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